Antony Otieno Ong’ayo – board member of Africa In Motion – has completed his PhD on the engagement of diaspora. The study addresses the challenges inherent in diaspora engagement initiatives by policy makers, aimed at harnessing the development potential of migration through remittances. It emphasises the collective dimensions of diaspora development potential by bringing to the fore the transformative role of diaspora organisations, with all their different organisational capacities. The findings of this study show the relevance of diaspora collective organising and their impact from ‘here and there’ and ‘win-win-win’ perspectives.
Key recommendations of his study:
- Create an enabling political, institutional and policy environment
- Institutionalise diaspora participation in policy processes in the country of residence and origin
- Scale-up innovative and policy relevant diaspora collective initiatives
- Develop policy frameworks that promote reciprocity and ‘win-win-win’ scenarios
- Extend and enhance diaspora capacities
If you’re interested to learn more on the results of his study, click here: